
Private hands-on modality that gives you access to the source of your own healing.  Relieves core tensions and is deeply relaxing.  One session is equivalent to 5 or more yoga classes.  Sessions are one hour. 
Private Yoga Sessions
These sessions use yoga poses that offer therapeutic benefits.  Clients receive maximum support.  Sessions are tailored to each person.  You begin to understand the mental and emotional components of the pain or discomfort you've been experiencing through Vichara (dialoguing) techniques.  Sessions are one hour.  

Testimonials (Experiences with a series of Private Yoga Sessions)
"On March 1st I was hit by a chairlift which resulted in 3 fractures in my pelvis and one in my left arm. These injuries caused sciatic pain as well. For 6 months I faithfully  did physical therapy and added chiropractic sessions and acupuncture. Although my range of motion was improving, my left leg and left arm were numb. I had no strength. My hips were crooked and it was difficult getting out of a chair or a car. I was spending many hours working at trying to feel good again. By the end of August I was depressed and frustrated. I never thought I would ski again. My sister-i n-law suggested that I talk to Addie Alex of Light of the Heart Yoga™ and try Svaroopa® yoga. After a few sessions with Addie, I began to feel the change in my body. Over the next 2 months I met with Addie twice a week and did my daily yoga practice at home. I stopped going to PT, the chiropractor and acupuncture. The numbness in my leg and arm are almost completely gone. I no longer experience sciatic pain. I am feeling stronger. My hips are move level and I am able to get out of a chair and not limp. I find myself running up stairs and feeling more fluid and flexible. I am sleeping better and feel less stressed. I owe my feeling great to Addie, her staff and Svaroopa® yoga. The good news is that I will be skiing with my family this season!" Claudia 

On March 1st I was hit by a chairlift which resulted in 3 fractures in my pelvis and one in my left arm. These injuries caused sciatic pain as well.  For 6 months I faithfully did physical therapy and added chiropractic sessions and acupuncture. Although my range of motion was improving, my left leg and left arm were numb.  I had no strength. My hips were crooked and I had trouble getting out of a chair and a car.  I was spending many hours working at trying to feel good again.  By the end of August I was depressed and frustrated. I never thought I would ski again.  My sister-in-law suggested that I talk to Addie Alex of Light of Heart Yoga and try Svaroopa Yoga.  After a few sessions with Addie I began to feel the change in my body.  Over the next 2 months I met with Addie twice a week and did my daily yoga practice at home.  I stopped going to PT, the chiropractor and acupuncture. The numbness in my leg and arm are almost completely gone.  I no longer experience sciatic pain.  I am feeling stronger.  My hips are more level and I am able to get out of a chair and not limp.  I find myself running up stairs and feeling more fluid and flexible. I am sleeping better and feel less stressed. I owe my feeling great to Addie, her staff and Svaroopa Yoga.  The good news is that I will be skiing with my family this season!

On March 1st I was hit by a chairlift which resulted in 3 fractures in my pelvis and one in my left arm. These injuries caused sciatic pain as well.  For 6 months I faithfully did physical therapy and added chiropractic sessions and acupuncture. Although my range of motion was improving, my left leg and left arm were numb.  I had no strength. My hips were crooked and I had trouble getting out of a chair and a car.  I was spending many hours working at trying to feel good again.  By the end of August I was depressed and frustrated. I never thought I would ski again.  My sister-in-law suggested that I talk to Addie Alex of Light of Heart Yoga and try Svaroopa Yoga.  After a few sessions with Addie I began to feel the change in my body.  Over the next 2 months I met with Addie twice a week and did my daily yoga practice at home.  I stopped going to PT, the chiropractor and acupuncture. The numbness in my leg and arm are almost completely gone.  I no longer experience sciatic pain.  I am feeling stronger.  My hips are more level and I am able to get out of a chair and not limp.  I find myself running up stairs and feeling more fluid and flexible. I am sleeping better and feel less stressed. I owe my feeling great to Addie, her staff and Svaroopa Yoga.  The good news is that I will be skiing with my family this season!

"I quickly moved through a back injury received from falling on ice this winter. There was immediate improvement in the first session and by the 4th or 5th session the pain was gone. Private Yoga Sessions propelled me into a daily calmer state which may have taken years of yoga for me to get to. I can choose to be a positive force even in the face of a challenging, negative, work situation. I feel like I have advanced years ahead in my personal yoga practice." Colleen

"I have a condition called Plantar Fasciitis which causes severe pain in the heel of my foot, making it very painful to walk.  After completing two sessions of yoga and doing the Magic Four poses I saw remarkable results.  My pain level before the yoga was a strong 8 and after the poses it amazingly came down to a 1. Each pose made me aware of how tight my muscles were in my back, legs, hips and  buttocks. After each pose, the gentle stretches gave these areas such relief.  I  find consistency is key in making yoga apart of my every day routine. It is now wonderful being able to complete necessary daily activities as well as taking a simple walk on the beach without being in pain. I totally recommend yoga and the Magic 4 poses as a form of both mental and physical healing." Joanne 


On March 1st I was hit by a chairlift which resulted in 3 fractures in my pelvis and one in my left arm. These injuries caused sciatic pain as well.  For 6 months I faithfully did physical therapy and added chiropractic sessions and acupuncture. Although my range of motion was improving, my left leg and left arm were numb.  I had no strength. My hips were crooked and I had trouble getting out of a chair and a car.  I was spending many hours working at trying to feel good again.  By the end of August I was depressed and frustrated. I never thought I would ski again.  My sister-in-law suggested that I talk to Addie Alex of Light of Heart Yoga and try Svaroopa Yoga.  After a few sessions with Addie I began to feel the change in my body.  Over the next 2 months I met with Addie twice a week and did my daily yoga practice at home.  I stopped going to PT, the chiropractor and acupuncture. The numbness in my leg and arm are almost completely gone.  I no longer experience sciatic pain.  I am feeling stronger.  My hips are more level and I am able to get out of a chair and not limp.  I find myself running up stairs and feeling more fluid and flexible. I am sleeping better and feel less stressed. I owe my feeling great to Addie, her staff and Svaroopa Yoga.  The good news is that I will be skiing with my family this season!

On March 1st I was hit by a chairlift which resulted in 3 fractures in my pelvis and one in my left arm. These injuries caused sciatic pain as well.  For 6 months I faithfully did physical therapy and added chiropractic sessions and acupuncture. Although my range of motion was improving, my left leg and left arm were numb.  I had no strength. My hips were crooked and I had trouble getting out of a chair and a car.  I was spending many hours working at trying to feel good again.  By the end of August I was depressed and frustrated. I never thought I would ski again.  My sister-in-law suggested that I talk to Addie Alex of Light of Heart Yoga and try Svaroopa Yoga.  After a few sessions with Addie I began to feel the change in my body.  Over the next 2 months I met with Addie twice a week and did my daily yoga practice at home.  I stopped going to PT, the chiropractor and acupuncture. The numbness in my leg and arm are almost completely gone.  I no longer experience sciatic pain.  I am feeling stronger.  My hips are more level and I am able to get out of a chair and not limp.  I find myself running up stairs and feeling more fluid and flexible. I am sleeping better and feel less stressed. I owe my feeling great to Addie, her staff and Svaroopa Yoga.  The good news is that I will be skiing with my family this season!

On March 1st I was hit by a chairlift which resulted in 3 fractures in my pelvis and one in my left arm. These injuries caused sciatic pain as well.  For 6 months I faithfully did physical therapy and added chiropractic sessions and acupuncture. Although my range of motion was improving, my left leg and left arm were numb.  I had no strength. My hips were crooked and I had trouble getting out of a chair and a car.  I was spending many hours working at trying to feel good again.  By the end of August I was depressed and frustrated. I never thought I would ski again.  My sister-in-law suggested that I talk to Addie Alex of Light of Heart Yoga and try Svaroopa Yoga.  After a few sessions with Addie I began to feel the change in my body.  Over the next 2 months I met with Addie twice a week and did my daily yoga practice at home.  I stopped going to PT, the chiropractor and acupuncture. The numbness in my leg and arm are almost completely gone.  I no longer experience sciatic pain.  I am feeling stronger.  My hips are more level and I am able to get out of a chair and not limp.  I find myself running up stairs and feeling more fluid and flexible. I am sleeping better and feel less stressed. I owe my feeling great to Addie, her staff and Svaroopa Yoga.  The good news is that I will be skiing with my family this season!


Is an investigative tool used in a private session.  It helps to clear your mind to free you from old patterns.  Just as the poses release tensions in your body, Vichara releases tensions in your mind to help you access your inner answers.  Sessions are one hour.
Svaroopa is a registered service mark and Embodyment is a service mark of S.T. C., Inc., used under license.